The GAF-CNN model is capable of detecting Buy and Sell signals with over 70% average accuracy. Its precisoin for the Buy singal class reaches 76%.
After GAF encoding, a 2D matrix is generated from each 1D time series data. The input data shape for the CNN classifier is (10, 10, F), where F is the number of features. The CNN model consists of two convolutional layers following by maxpool layer and two fully connected layers.
Morning Star/ Evening Star Detector
Model Parameters
Framework: Tensorflow
Model: GAF-CNN
Epoch: 300
Batch Size: 800
Dateset Size: 3600 (56% train, 14% validate, 30% test)
Optimizer: adam
Learning Rate Start: 0.001
Features Channels:
OHLC (open, high, low and close prices)
Morning star
- Evening star
No pattern​
Overall Accuracy: 90.65%
Precision for Morning Star: 90.2%
Precision for Evening Star: 93.18%
Buy/Sell Signal Detector
Model Parameters
Framework: Tensorflow
Model: GAF-CNN
Epoch: 100
Batch Size: 500
Dateset Size: 3600 (56% train, 14% validate, 30% test)
Optimizer: adam
Learning Rate Start: 0.001
Features Channels:
OHLC (open, high, low and close prices), volume
Reddit active users, reddit posts per hour
posts,total page views
Buy signal (positive morning star)
- Sell signal (positive evening star)
Others ( ​negative morning star, negative evening star, no pattern)
Overall Accuracy: 70.83%
Precision for Buy Signal: 76.11%
Precision for Sell Signal: 70.86%
Buy/Sell Signal Detector
Model Parameters
Framework: Tensorflow
Model: GAF-CNN
Epoch: 300
Batch Size: 500
Dateset Size: 2793 (56% train, 14% validate, 30% test)
Optimizer: adam
Learning Rate Start: 0.001
Features Channels:
OHLC (open, high, low and close prices), volume
News rank score, news text sentiment, news title sentiment
Buy signal (positive morning star)
- Sell signal (positive evening star)
Others ( ​negative morning star, negative evening star, no pattern)
Overall Accuracy: 68.97%
Precision for Buy Signal: 71.07%
Precision for Sell Signal: 75.58%